
Aim of Saint Rampal Ji

Aim of Saint Rampal Ji

Sant Rampal Ji is a true saint who is educating the masses with the following aims. Apprise everyone of Supreme God Kabir. Educate everyone that the basic aim of human life is to worship God and achieve liberation. Impart true scripture based worship to all human beings. Encourage everyone to perform meritorious deeds Prohibit everyone from [...] Read more

What are the Rules of Worship

What are the Rules of Worship

Important rules before taking initiation which one has to follow until the last breath 1 Tobacco, Alcohol, Non vegetarian food Prohibited It is prohibited to consume tobacco such as cigarette, hukkah, beedi etc. It is prohibited to consume alcohol such as beer, whiskey, wine etc. It is prohibited to take snuff, sulfa (a wad of tobacco smoked in [...] Read more

How can one obtain Initiation

How can one obtain Initiation

Who can take initiation? Anyone can take initiation provided they fulfil the following requirements. It is imperative one understands the knowledge before one gets initiated. It is imperative to follow the rules of worship for the initiation to be successful. How can one take initiation? Once one has understood the knowledge and is willing to [...] Read more